How to translate Voting plugin into a different languages?

exichloexichlo New
edited May 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Hi all,

I would like to translate this plugin into a different language.

I have translated Vanilla forum by using this guide:, which is quite simple.

I have read But I don't understand and not sure what should I do in order to start.

Please help!


  • Anyone..? Pls...
  • ToddTodd Vanilla Staff
    What you need to do is go through the plugin and look for calls to T(). For instance, near the top of there is the following line:
    $Menu->AddLink('Forum', T('Voting'), 'settings/voting', 'Garden.Settings.Manage');
    When you see something like that then you need to add the following definition to your locale:
    $Definition['Voting'] = 'Your translation here.';
    You can put this definition in your regular locale pack. You can put it in a separate file if you wish to keep things organized.
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