How's Python?

edited January 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
How many of you are familiar with Python and what are your thoughts on it?

I picked up a book tonight...hoping it may be useful to me. Seems very Ruby-ish in many ways.


  • The idea of Python being classified as "Ruby-ish" is hilarious...
  • The syntax looks very similar. I'm not sure what is hilarious about that.

    I'm not saying that Python's design is derived from Ruby in any way, they just look similar from the surface.
  • Mainly that Python and Ruby started at Perl and then went in almost opposite directions.
  • It's fairly evil how tabs and spaces are considered part of the syntax. Drawing up monolithic functions can all go wrong because you're missing a space or tab somewhere, and because it's whitespace, you'll go more nuts than trying to find that open semi-colon.
  • Python is marketed as THE easiest scripting languages, and as a playboy of scripting languages I picked it up, pissed off, torched it and veered off of it. It might be easy, but it lacks the sophistication of Ruby and easiness of Lua.
  • I'm pissed off at Rails right now. I'm hoping Python is interesting. I really want to avoid PHP as much as possible because I think its first of all an ugly language, and second of all not nearly as powerful as Ruby.
  • Why are you pissed off at Rails? And if you think that Python and Django are valid alternative to Ruby and Rails and you like simple and clean code, then Python and Django aren't those, not atleast in my opinion, first, Django is not as good as Rails, it's close, but it's not that good, and Python, well I would rather write a website in UnrealScript than do it with Python.
  • I don't like the "opinionated" software that is Rails. It adds too much bloat and makes some applications overly complex. Yes, you can override most everything in Rails, but why should I be forced to spend my time overriding things as opposed to writing it how it should be to begin with?

    Plus, Rails is dirt slow on CGI, and that's something I can't have with the company I now work at.

    Rails is great, its just a bit much, imo. I'm not really looking at Django because I imagine it has many of the same problems as Rails. I'm more interested in something lighter like But there are lots of frameworks for Python, and its a more mature language, so we'll see what I can find.
  • You are speaking about such level of control you can only achieve with PHP I'm afraid, because when you bring in a framework, you are deliberately giving away the control to the framework. And I don't know if Python is that much faster without any special modules on the server, just a feeling tho, so I might be wrong :P But I'd be glad to hear what you find on your quest.
  • jesusphreak, get FastCGI running under your httpd and see if ruby runs any faster if you don't already have it. CGI alone is rather slow, FastCGI extends it which ruby then utilizes making ruby apps exec faster.
  • lech = truth Ruby was never ment for running just bare CGI but with FastCGI, which I admit will leave you hanging, since I myself am in the same problem, of not being able to make my client's site using RoR because his host didn't know what RoR even was *snicker*
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