Vanilla open source was terminated 1 January 2025 by Higher Logic. See this announcement for more information.

Vanilla 2.0.18 (beta 1) is now available

TimTim Vanilla Staff
edited May 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Vanilla 2.0.18b1 is now available!

Beta Version?

We've been working hard on the latest point release of Vanilla and the new version is right around the corner.

In the past we've always just released versions and fixed late-breaking bugs with quick patches. This time we've decided to do a beta release to help get the bugs fixed in a more controlled way.

In order for the beta release to be successful though we need your help with testing. We've been running this code on a lot of our hosted sites for nearly a month now, but we know that additional issues always crop up when the release goes out into the wild.

Here is what we need.
  1. Try out this version on your site. If you are planning on upgrading then give the beta a try. This is the best way to make sure that we don't miss anything.
  2. Use the issue tracker. Github has recently done an amazing job overhauling their issue tracker. It has really helped us manage the issues and schedule them to a particular release.
Download it from the addon site!

This is a feature-filled release which also contains a ton of bugfixes for issues in the 2.0.17 family.

New Features

  1. Moderation Tools! Vanilla received some brand new, much needed tools for managing discussions (merge/split) and users (community reporting, user infractions).
  2. Improved Bans! Vanilla now supports a proper ban list, with Name, Email and even IP bans.
  3. Edit/Delete Log! Moderators/Admins can now review post edits and even deletions. This is especially useful when dealing with disputes or punishment.
  4. Inform Messages! Snazzy new growl-like popup information boxes have replaced most of the old form feedback messages. Watch out for them in the bottom left of your screen!

Bug Fixes / Changes

  1. Fixed numerous Vanilla Statistics issues, including #919, #916,#832
  2. Fixed bug #915 - "Start a New Conversation" stopped working
  3. Fixed bug #896 - 'CategoryModel' not found
  4. Fixed bug #884 - config.php deleted/overwritten
  5. Fixed bug #851 - Deleting a comment sends discussion to last page
  6. Fixed bug #820 - Persistent DB connections didn't work
  7. ... and 42+ other issues

Build History

  • 2.0.18b1 - Added moderation, bans, logging. Fixed 50+ bugs.

Keeping track of new releases

You can follow our releases by pointing your favorite RSS reader at:
This feed will automatically update whenever we release a new version of Vanilla Core.

Troubleshooting the Vanilla 2 Installation

If you run into any issues during the installation, you may see the "Bonk" error screen. In order to get past this screen, you can add the following line to your conf/config.php file:
$Configuration['Garden']['Debug'] = TRUE;

This will show you a more detailed screen of information about the actual problem you've encountered. Please include this information when reporting issues (copy & paste exact errors, please).

Upgrading Vanilla 2.0 Forums

  1. Back up your database.
  2. Back up all of your existing files.
  3. Unarchive the new files and copy them over your existing files. Make sure that your hidden files (ie .htaccess) are copied to your server.
  4. Make sure the conf/config.php from your old version has been copied over to the new version.
  5. Delete all *.ini files in your cache/ folder
  6. Navigate to the page in your forum that updates your database: (or
  7. Visit your forum and test away!
For more help with upgrading, check out the Upgrade Documentation and the Upgrading Tips and Tricks thread.

Reporting Issues


Please report all issues on the GitHub Issue Tracker. Remember to do a quick search through the issues to make sure your issue has not already been added or resolved.

Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]



  • I really hope the next release fixes ProxyConnect.
  • ToddTodd Vanilla Staff
    I really hope you help test ProxyConnect in the beta @mrpaul.
  • lucluc ✭✭ or
  • TimTim Vanilla Staff or
    Done. Thanks :)

    Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]

  • anyone having issues with user profile images and banner logo? mines not working
  • anyone having issues with user profile images and banner logo? mines not working
    What do you mean that its not working, do you have a forum thread going about the problem?

    There was an error rendering this rich post.

  • Success, except that when I click the "Flood Control" in the sidebar in the dashboard, it couldn't find the page.
  • ^^^ Split ^^^ Let's test those Admin tools :P

    There was an error rendering this rich post.

  • Upgrade successful... almost. For some reason, when logged out, the forum still displays the large "start a new discussion" button instead of the panel that would normally be there to login/register. And additionally, instead of showing that little options button for each discussion, it just shows all the text in a vertical list.

    I didn't want to post this in the GitHub as I figure it's just an error on my behalf when upgrading. Any ideas on what I missed?
  • anyone having issues with user profile images and banner logo? mines not working
    What do you mean that its not working, do you have a forum thread going about the problem?

    I have filed a github issue, no luck yet. i was hoping others were experiencing the same issue
  • ToddTodd Vanilla Staff
    @michaelfox, check your guest permissions. The options list must be something with your theme. Do you have a custom one?
  • no, no custom theme, i will send you my link.
  • i have confirmed this issue on two separate installs
  • @Todd, there are only three options to select for a guest in the permissions section and they're all to do with viewing (discussions, activity, and profiles). As for the options list dealio, yes, it's a custom theme. However, I don't ever recall editing the options button at all, but I suppose I must've done something funky since it's clearly not working.
  • I'm not seeing any of the infraction or new merge functionality. I enabled the split/merge plugin but don't see any options to actually use it in either the thread moderation dropdown or a new option for infracting/managing infractions. I'm using the vanilla classic theme but I also tried under the vanilla default theme. I even checked permissions to make sure there wasnt any new permission created I didnt have access to.
  • Probably needs 1 pointing out by the developers and then lightning speed a piece of documentation so we can point users to that piece.

    There was an error rendering this rich post.

  • another new feature as a plugin and not in the core app. The appzilla keeps growing.
  • I've managed to bock my upgrade. I know....backups, backups, but this was just a test forum. I had setup a bunch of stuff to test, but hadn't made a backup yet. Completely my fault.

    I'm guessing I wasn't logged in when I copied over the newest version (was playing around with different browsers, which are now closed) and now only get a blank screen when navigating to ''.

    Anyway to fix this? Or just scrap it and start over?


  • i wish there was an easy way to backup your vanilla site internally. Similar to what most of the major forum software currently offer.
  • now only get a blank screen when navigating to ''.
    Maybe set up the debug mode in your config.php and see what happens.
    (also start a separate thread to figure out the real problem behind the blank page)

    There was an error rendering this rich post.

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