Anyone want to help me? (non-vanilla)

edited February 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hi, I'm making a website- and i'm currently doing a re-design. This redesign has got me this: Trouble is a) i'm not very good at creating images b) that layout looks a bit boring/needs some colour. Anyone want to help me by making a header image? You'll get serious props, but no cash, i'm afraid...


  • So what's the brief? Must say "music", "young", "talented" ????
  • yeah, just needs to be something that says "music" without saying "rock" or "rap" or whatever...
  • oh, and it needs to fit into that design...
  • I need to get back into photoshop, so if I get time tonight i'll have a go at putting something together.
  • Maybe like a 50's lounge/cabaret theme?
  • 50's style graphics must DIE!!!!
  • 3stripe must DIE!!!!
  • ouch.
  • edited February 2006
    or maybe just some ideas that i could do. i just need *something* to work with :p
  • well there's probably something nice in the name, "the dry bar"? it's dry but it serves drinks it has cool gigs on but it's still called dry why is it called dry how would you visualise the music in terms of styling look at some other white-on-black websites: hope that helps ;-)
  • what about some kind of nice graphic of an empty glass on a bar....
  • If I made a music site, I would dig out some 50s and 60s playboys, they had FANTASTIC drawings in them, really cool and they had a certain style of the era, but still they look modern even today. I bet there are other magazines of the era that had drawings like they did, but playboys are only ones I have seen.
  • edited February 2006
    anyone want to loan me some 50 year old gentleman's magazines?
  • if I had them, I would...and maxim isn't really for 50 year olds unless they were on cialis or something.
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