Sub categories listed on parent categorie's page/ Last post time/thread/by listed on categories/all?

nashiranashira New
edited June 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
I really like vanilla, but I have two problems/features I cannot find but I really need...

First one would be the ability to list the sub category on it's parent categories main page, above the thread links... along with their descriptions, so I don't have to list them all on the main page.

The second would be an easy way to tell there are new posts from the categories/all page, which is my front page. Preferably some way to do like a "last post by" column or line like most forum software does, with the time, thread and poster... is any of this possible, or coming soon?

Thank you.

ETA: also is it possible to add "breadcrumb" links on the discussion view above and/or below the thread/discussion?


  • ToddTodd Vanilla Staff
    You are describing features that are planned for our next release.

    I'm not sure what version you are on right now, bug the categories/all page does show the last post, date, author.
  • Very cool to know.

    Mine doesn't, I'm on Version not the beta one, though... maybe that's why? (I only downloaded and installed it last week, so I know I'm not too far behind... I think.)
    Thanks! :D
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