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Search not working properly

edited June 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Hi, I'm testing search feature on my installation, but it's not working properly. When I search, some words in a post are ignored, returning no matches for words I know are written in some discussions.

For example, in a discussion I wrote "l'iMac", and if I search "iMac" I have zero results, but if I search "l'iMac" I have the correct matches.

Plus, there is a way to make search work also for discussion tags (added via "tagging" plugin) ?



  • Thank you :)
  • I've noticed that the issue appears mostly with words after the apostrophe (which is often used in italian). For example if I write "l'imac" and then search "imac", no matches are found. I tried deleting the apostrophe, and then the search works.

    Is that still a normal behaviour related to mysql search, or a bug? Thanks.
  • ToddTodd Vanilla Staff
    I think that's probably the way MySQL search works.
  • It's weird because I tried in other sites using mysql (like wordpress) and it works. Maybe they use a different kind of search. By the way, it's just a glitch on a fantastic software you have built, not a big issue :)
  • lucluc ✭✭
    mysql full text search is not the same as using like statements in post bodies.
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