Javascript error on 'Go back to discussions'

edited February 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I dunno how easy this would be or how resource intensive (or whether you even think it's a good idea or core-worthy) but i just thought it might be nifty to have a javascript (or other) popup when the 'back to discussions' link was clicked at the bottom of the page *if* there was any text in the enter comments box incase some idiot (ok, just me) clicked it instead of 'add comments' or whatever.


  • i don't know how to make it as an extension yet, but the code would look something like:
    function confirmGoBack() { var cb = document.getElementById('CommentBox') if (cb.value.length > 0) { if (confirm('You have not submitted your comments. Really go back?')) { window.location = 'http://wherever/'; } else { cb.focus(); } } }

    and i'd add onClick='confirmGoBack()' in the Back to Discussions link.
  • Hmm. Interesting, maybe i'll take a look at extensionising it later.
  • Yeah, ithcy's little JS snippet there could prove core worthy if implimented nicely. I'd say let this be a user toggleable feature for those who want or need it. It's a pretty nifty idea, mini.
  • Hmm. Seems the Back to Discussions link is hardcoded into the theme in the comments_foot file. Does that mean it's not possible to do this as an extension?
  • it could be written into the link from an extension via JS as well...
  • Um. Clues how? :D
  • let me see if i can hack it out and fix it up as an extension, and i'll report back.
  • okay. i got it to work. phew. that was alot of vanilla learnin' but i'm glad i did it, because i've got other extensions i've been wanting to write. you can download it from (unzip into your extensions folder, of course) there is a dictionary element in there for anyone with a non-english forum - you can replace the confirmation prompt (You have not submitted your comments. Really go back?) with the correct text in your language. take a look at default.php in that zip, there are some simple instructions. let me know if it doesn't work for you.
  • oh and it'll only work with 0.9.3 >= revision 196, i believe - whatever the SVN revision where mark cleaned up the extensions system a few days ago.
  • Ahh. Yeah i dont know jack about JS so i guess i couldnt have worked that out. Interesting though.
  • the js was the easy part, believe me
  • After digging through various bits of code i really do (i'm sure its good code but since i aint ever used OOP stuff it does boggle me a little. I guess the fact i can just about follow it is a compliment really). But as i say i know even less JS than php so i'd never have known how to insert that bit of validation into the 'a' html tag with the defined link.
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