Vanilla into iframe: problem with PHP?

edited February 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I am trying to set Vanilla into my iframe layout. All goes well untill I start loginin: the login in does not seem to work. Strangely enough, the response (like 'forgot my password' page, 'password was sent to email address X') does show into the iframe! So it looks like if the whole of Vanilla should be able to show into regular iframes? But the login does not function properly. Thanks in advance, Jerome


  • <iframe> doesn't work that well anymore, W3C suggest that you use <object> instead.
  • ithcyithcy New
    edited February 2006
    kosmo, i've been wondering about that... i've read the recommendation at but i don't see any specific directive suggesting object over iframe there, just a suggestion of object as an alternative to iframe. is there a better link? also, the w3c seems to state that object can't be targeted like iframe. is there a way around this or is it even necessary anymore, what with all the ajax or clorox or borax you kids are using these days?
  • W3C proposes that you use <object> over <iframe> because <iframe> is notoriously old and it doesn't have alot of support on the newer browsers. But I don't know the specifics since I wouldn't use either of them and rather just do some PHP magic there, it would suite me just fine. Here is something regarding the subject, don't know if it helps tho.
  • Hmmm, doesn't some Vanilla validation scheme play into this? partly where the login is being sent from? It could be mistaking the login from the top level where the iframe is being called, thus not granting a login because it see's it as a spam request.
  • Lech, That what I was getting at: how to be smarter when you can't do the magical PHP .. I need to host the login.php into <iframe>. Can the PHP do the magic here? Can something be changed in the Vanilla validation such that there is no mistake there as you suggest? Thanks to all!
  • Well, include(); function comes to mind first, but I don't know how well that would work. Tho it would be rather awesome to be able to put the logins in anywhere you want.
  • can't you just copy the vanilla login form into your layout as html?
  • "can't you just copy the vanilla login form into your layout as html?"

    Yes, you can.
  • Object tags are just as inaccessible as iframes. You shouldn't really be using either to have "global" pages. Use server-side includes, that's what they're there for.
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