edited June 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Hello, my web hosting account was suspended and I was running vanilla as my forum (http://www.tehcsupport.com/) in it. Here is the e-mail that I have received:

Abuse Department
Staff 06/09/2011 09:45
Hello Client,

We have recently received a fraudulent activity notice under your account. Due to this, we are forced to suspend your website until further notice. Please let us know as soon as you are ready to resolve the issue.

For your reference, please see the complete complaint below.


Can anyone tell me what is this chase bank?


  • ToddTodd Vanilla Staff
    Chase bank is one of the world's largest banks. You know, one of those banks responsible for the global financial collapse?

    That logg.php is NOT a Vanilla file. It got there through some sort of exploit in your server which I highly doubt was caused by Vanilla.

    PS: I've removed the content of that email. There is no reason to post that here.
  • lucluc ✭✭
    @Todd not even a v1?
  • ToddTodd Vanilla Staff
    @luc, good point. For everyone's reference, the file was in /js/library/logg.php which is most likely Vanilla 2, but Vanilla 1 does have a /js folder too.
  • lucluc ✭✭
    I've check one of my v1 install, only an src subfolder in v1. And anyway, no logg.php in there.
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