Problems With Uploading Extensions and Styles

edited February 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Can anyone help me out. rookie here, i am trying to upload some extensions and stykes onto the dns server, path: community/extensions or styles, but says access denied... any suggestions? or is it my complete rookiness??? thanx


  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    edited February 2006
    You're uploading to a Domain Name Server?

    What exactly is the url you are attempting to upload to?
  • it is a dns server where i have the forum, the site i am using vanilla for is on there
  • Um. You realise it doesnt have to *just* be a dns server? It can run dns along with all the normal web serving apps (apache etc). If it is *just* a dns server i'm a little confused how you're running vanilla atall. In any case assuming you're the user who initially uploaded vanilla i fail to see how you could possibly have insufficient rights to upload to sub level folders. Unless for some reason the web user which apache is running under has somehow taken ownership of those files.
    I'd say this is really one you should be asking your host.
  • what would cause the "access denied" problem?
  • edited February 2006
    You don't have permissions for those folders?
  • probably permission to upload the extensions into the pertinent folder
  • but what is weird is that i can upload anything i want on the site except the community folder where vanilla is. any ideas?
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