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Activity Feed

edited June 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
So I noticed Vanilla had an activity feed and I was wondering if there was a way to "add" to that activity feed when someone does something on the main front area of my site such as play a game. I am working on integrating Vanilla with my arcade and hope to have a sort of social arcade thing going here soon.


  • Can I get some tips?
  • ToddTodd Vanilla Staff
    I'm a bit reluctant to give you tips as we are giving a severe rethink to the activity feed in a future version.

    However, here's what you want to do:
    Register the activity type:
    array('AllowComments' => '1',
    'FullHeadline' => '%1$s created an account for %3$s.',
    'ProfileHeadline' => '%1$s created an account for %3$s.'),
    array('Name' => 'JoinCreated'), TRUE);
    When you want to add an activity call the AddActivity() function. The ins and outs of formatting your activity name can be found in Gdn_Format::Activity().
  • Okay thanks! I will try it out and see what I can get working.
  • @Todd I hope the next activity reaches to the level of FB Wall / Newsfeed, making it possible to post links into it which will display abstracts.
  • ToddTodd Vanilla Staff
    @shah2010, our goal is to do that type of thing for discussions too which are at the end of the day the most important part of a forum.
  • @Todd, great, thats even better.
  • @Todd, that sound's awesome!
  • @Todd, I am wondering this 'fb Newsfeed' style Discussion and Activity Feed version/ that you have in pipeline/ will it come out anytime within next 2 months/ i am in need of a QnA + Links website / love the vanilla so much, just dont want move anywhere else.
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