How can I become a beta tester

edited February 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I would like to beta test 0.9.3 How do I go about doing that?? Thanks, Brad


  • Download it from the SVN (see the top sticky) and play away to your hearts content. If you find any errors or bugs then post them up here under the '0.9.3 bugs' category. Welcome to the world of beta testing :) (you could alternatively use the forum to try and find stuff to break but installing your own is probably more productive as you get a wider scope)
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Yes, and be sure to read the upgrade-notes.txt file that comes in the svn :)
  • And everything else related to what you're about to report before you report it. Please. :)
  • Also, if you're planning on using an existing Vanilla DB, make a healthy backup of it, or it could be lost in all the changes.
  • and be sure to wear a helmet if you're going drinking
  • We should have hazing rituals.
  • I think we should change the documentation link to read as "RTFM!" :D people don't appear to be doing much of that lately.
  • Thanks guys, Ill be sure to read all the associated notes and manuals before posting any issues, as well as the current bug fixes etc. While this is my first venture into the world of beta testing for Vanilla, I have been a beta tester before. For Pixar's renderman and renderman artist tools. So I know the drill. Thanks for having me! -Brad
  • Please keep all apendages within the ride at all times, thank you for riding lussumo, enjoy the ride.
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