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Is there a URL path to get to the 'mobile' version of my forum?

I understand that the mobile theme is served to most mobile devices, but wondered if there was a way to find it from a Kindle, for example?
Best Answer
luc ✭✭
You shouldn't add the line, find the first line and replace it with the second line.
I put the lines in the comment so it's easier to understand where and how you add the "|kindle" part.0
It's a proprietary format which delivers pages OK, without Flash support.
My main site comes up fine on the Kindle, but to be seen properly you need to zoom.
I understand that, but, for example, on the BBC or Guardian you have the option of choosing the mobile url.
I just wondered if i could 'force' the mobile url onto the Kindle.
If you provide it, there's a good chance it will be added in the version (2.0.18b3 is just around the corner), so the full release might not take too long now.
I assume you mean the 'user-agent' for Kindle.
How would I provide it?
It is this:
Kindle 3 User Agent:
Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; en-US) AppleWebKit/528.5+ (KHTML, like Gecko, Safari/538.5+) Version/4.0 Kindle/3.0 (screen 600x800; rotate)
Who do I report it to?
if (preg_match('/(up.browser||mmp|symbian|smartphone|midp|wap|phone|opera m)/i', $UserAgent))
if (preg_match('/(up.browser||mmp|symbian|smartphone|midp|wap|phone|opera m|kindle)/i', $UserAgent))
If it works OK, I'll do the changes once back home and do a pull request so it goes into the next version.
Thanks very much for your help.
I've added that line as you suggested, but as far as I can tell it is still the standard page that is served up to the Kindle atm.
I've 'rejected' your answer - but think this may have gone as far as it can here.
If that is the case, if you let me know I'll accept your next answer and the question can be closed.
Thanks again for your help.
I put the lines in the comment so it's easier to understand where and how you add the "|kindle" part.
That did the trick.
Thanks so much for your time and help.
Example: We can't just go to as opposed to
Maybe start a new question and reference this one?