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Why am I missing two plugins in the admin?

edited June 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
I just got the latest version of Vanilla installed (, and so far I'm quite impressed. However, I found that with the default install that I am actually missing two plugins from the list of plugins. Of the 17 default plugins, HtmLawed and GettingStarted both exist in the plugins folder but are missing from the list of plugins.

What is weird is that the numerical totals seem to be "correct". The number of available plugins listed in the top tab is 17, the number of installed plugins is 2 (neither of which show up) and 15 that are not.

What's going on?

Best Answer

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    ToddTodd Chief Product Officer Vanilla Staff
    Answer ✓
    This is a bit of a quirk. Some plugins can be marked as "hidden" which means they don't show up on the list. The counts being off is a bug we've addresses in 2.0.18.

    We hide the getting started plugin because it disables itself once you've gone through its checklist.

    We hide the HtmLawed because we don't want people unknowingly disabling their html filter and opening themselves up to all manner of xss attacks.


  • Options
    ToddTodd Chief Product Officer Vanilla Staff
    Answer ✓
    This is a bit of a quirk. Some plugins can be marked as "hidden" which means they don't show up on the list. The counts being off is a bug we've addresses in 2.0.18.

    We hide the getting started plugin because it disables itself once you've gone through its checklist.

    We hide the HtmLawed because we don't want people unknowingly disabling their html filter and opening themselves up to all manner of xss attacks.
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