Thread Sorting Troubles / Bug?

I imported SQL data from the previous server when moving the forum, and when I entered the forum after installing everything, all the sorting was totally crapped up. Any idea what causes this and how to fix it?
For a LITTLE while it displayed correctly but then it fell back to fucked again.
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/* if ($this->Context->Session->User->ShowAllWhispers) { $s->AddOrderBy("greatest(t.DateLastWhisper, t.DateLastActive)", "", "desc"); } else { $s->AddOrderBy("greatest(tuwf.DateLastActive, t.DateLastActive)", "", "desc"); } */
Now is substituted by:
$s->AddOrderBy("t.DateLastActive", "", "desc");
I killed the conditional choice: I don't know why it's there, but it's better a ordered forum without an option than a unordered one.