Thread Sorting Troubles / Bug?

schjetneschjetne New
edited March 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help

I imported SQL data from the previous server when moving the forum, and when I entered the forum after installing everything, all the sorting was totally crapped up. Any idea what causes this and how to fix it?

For a LITTLE while it displayed correctly but then it fell back to fucked again.


  • I fixed it by disabling whispers, but I don't wanna disable whispers...
  • disable your ability to *view* other people's wispers
  • nah it was still messed up after I disabled that... it was messed up for other users too.
  • shitknee™, which version were you upgrading from ? and are you using the latest stable or the svn version?
  • upgrading from i can't remember to the one that's public on well whispers are for kids anyway, so i don't care a lot. but people seem to like them, especially for drama stirring, so i guess people want them back...
  • It's probably something really ambiguous, depending on how active the forum is. My guess is that as a result of the update (while i'm not 100% certain) is that your history got skewed and some things just look terribly out of order based on interaction. Could just be you or the entire board that sees things this way. Let it work itself out, you can help it along if you want by clicking through all the topics :)
  • i just had the exact same problem. i moved my forum from one host to another yesterday. i was using on the old host and updated to the latest stable on the new host. everything worked like a charm except for this absolutely weird thread sorting behaviour. new posts didnt show up on top etc... weird. glad i found this thread because disabling the whispers worked for me too.
  • Didnt this happen when mark upgraded too? There was a time when his timestamps got messed up and he just ran through X discussions posting in them to update. I forget now what the reason for that was though...
  • Good memory, mini, I actually just came across this again when I was searching for something as well. It was this thread when I discovered '22 hours old' and some messed up timestamps. I wonder if this is a contributing factor to what jan is experiencing:
  • This happens also to my plain new installation. Enabling whispers scrambles the sort order... :|
  • I know that maybe this doesn't make much sense since 0.9.3 is at the horizon, but I fixed my problem (it seems) by editing the Wispers extension in this way (notice the commenting out), at line 429:

    /* if ($this->Context->Session->User->ShowAllWhispers) { $s->AddOrderBy("greatest(t.DateLastWhisper, t.DateLastActive)", "", "desc"); } else { $s->AddOrderBy("greatest(tuwf.DateLastActive, t.DateLastActive)", "", "desc"); } */

    Now is substituted by:
    $s->AddOrderBy("t.DateLastActive", "", "desc");

    I killed the conditional choice: I don't know why it's there, but it's better a ordered forum without an option than a unordered one. :)
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