
edited February 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hey guys, when I came across filebrowser I downloaded it immediately. It is an excellent tool you have created so thank you very much. The only downfall I have noticed so far is that there is no option for me to watermark any of the images. I am a photographer and if I were to use this for my customers to view their photos, I don't want them to be able to save all of these photos and go print them off on their home machine and never hear from them again. If there is an option for watermarking the images could someone give me a tutorial on how to do that? Thanks guys.


  • edited February 2006
    Just upload low-res (640x480) copies and have a little trust in your customers. Even if you manage to get some amazing DRM scheme running (and most are not), there's a good chance that the user will still be able to hit Print Screen and paste it somewhere. EDIT: I misunderstood "watermark" to mean "digital watermark". A quick google, though, picks up several links for "PHP image watermark"
  • yeah, the best thing I could also say is if you're going to want it watermarked, you'll probably be better off doing it yourself by automating photoshop to apply some alpha layers to the images in question. And like Bergamot said, low quality uploads.
  • edited February 2006
    I have already looked at the tutorials and I plan to build it in, but I figured the programmers might like the idea of making that an option for them to build it in. It would be very useful. As far as the PhotoShop idea, no thanks. I have done that for a year or two now and it takes a long time even if you make actions. I do actually give the customer low-res for preview, but some people don't understand that it's actually going to print like that. (You know how people are.) What would you rather do? Spend all day watermarking images in photoshop, or upload them and let php do the work. I think you know my choice.
  • Well, in that case, you'll have to look for a 3rd party script to apply said watermarkings, or hack a code loop to do it for you when it creates thumbnails. I don't believe there is currently anything remotely like that in the current version of filebrowser, sorry :/
  • Whilst I think Filebrowser is great, maybe you should use something like the Menalto gallery? That sounds like it's more up your alley. It's more geared towards this sort of thing. I know on the previous version there was a watermarking module and you can also use it for commerce.
  • Thanks for your input. I will check this out.
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