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new forum

edited 2006 02 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I just setup my forum and installed some styles and I have to say, Vanilla ROCKS!! Thank you Mark! (sorry my forum is nsfw)


  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Glad you like it :)
  • Since when are toilets NSFW?
  • maybe it's this that's nsfw: <blockquote>Yeah, I really dont see what the big hoo-ha is overy Bush. The CIA or FBI dosnt really care if youre chatting about (stealing from spoo here) your favoirte bands and all that stuff. They are focusing on the foreigners(dont hand me the 'thats racist' thing either) and just general scanning of citizens. They are more worried about Mohamad Bolsock than John Doe. So agree with spoo, stfu and stop the whining. If you want to be safe, then let them do it. When the time comes when the govt is monitoring everything you do specifically, and trying to controll us, then we can complain.</blockquote> ^^ unbridled moronity
  • nah...there's a girly thread. I'm in the process of instituting a rule that makes braindead logic a bannable offense.
  • Censorship is an insidious blight on our democratic freedoms, and anyone who advocates this is dangerous and should be silenced and have all of their writings burned.
  • okay, papoo, fair enough
This discussion has been closed.