Emoticons Extention?

edited February 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hi all, Does anyone know of any extention that will change something like this - :) to a smile face and etc.? If not, is there anyone who can make this please? It would be great! :D


  • The BBCode Extension does that, but it needs a rewrite.
  • O really? can you please tell me what the rewrite stuff is? It will much appreciate it :)
  • The extension is old, has lots of bugs, and needs to be rewritten.

    I'm seriously considering just wrapping the PEAR BBCode parser; it's way more resistant to attack than anything I could write.
  • sorry for being a noob but i dont understand :s Also is there any option that will allow both bbcode and html in posts? So I can post in both bbcode and html format in one post?
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