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Search Bar Above Forum [like]

leogopalleogopal New
edited June 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Hi Everyone,

I would like to add the search bar above my forum exactly as it is here on VF.
Could somebody assist me with this simple change?
I am using the Vanilla default theme.

Best Answer

  • ntuyelikntuyelik New
    edited June 2011 Answer ✓
    I make it by adding the following code as an announce message, here is my code ;
    You can edit it as you want....

    <center> <div class="SearchForm"> <form action="/search" method="get"> <div> <input id="Form_Search" class="InputBox" type="text" value="herkesuzman'da ara..." name="Search" onfocus="if (this.value==this.defaultValue) this.value='';"> </div> </form> </div> </center>


  • any chance you could assist me @todd?
  • ToddTodd Vanilla Staff
    Here's the code vforg has in it's theme hooks file:
    public function Base_Render_Before($Sender) {
    if (in_array(strtolower($Sender->ControllerName), array('discussionscontroller', 'categoriescontroller')))
  • Thanks todd,
    The default theme doesnt seem to have a hooks file, How do I add this?
  • ntuyelikntuyelik New
    edited June 2011 Answer ✓
    I make it by adding the following code as an announce message, here is my code ;
    You can edit it as you want....

    <center> <div class="SearchForm"> <form action="/search" method="get"> <div> <input id="Form_Search" class="InputBox" type="text" value="herkesuzman'da ara..." name="Search" onfocus="if (this.value==this.defaultValue) this.value='';"> </div> </form> </div> </center>
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