Does Vanilla support embedding a view of a single thread with a link to full discussion?

edited June 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

We're evaluating forum solutions for a new project, and we would like to use the forum to provide comments directly on an article page, instead of requiring users to click a link to go to the appropriate forum thread.

We think does this very well. Here's a news article that has the most recent 20 "comments" at the bottom of the page:

At the top of the "comments", there is a Jump to Forums button that takes the user to the last page of the forum thread (currently 111 posts at the time of this posting).

Has anyone implemented something similar using Vanilla Forums? If so, can I get a pointer to the implementation and/or search terms so our developers can look into it?



  • ToddTodd Vanilla Staff
    We don't have this kind of functionality yet, but are experimenting with it internally. It probably won't be released soon enough for your project though.
  • Hey Todd,

    That's still interesting news. Right now we're leaning towards using the "Click here to discuss this article" style link at the bottom of the page. If you add this functionality in the future, it shouldn't be too hard to incorporate it if we select Vanilla as our platform.

    Thanks again for the update.

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