Brand New Here: How Difficult To Install?

edited February 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hi, I have very rudimentary HTML skills and am wondering just how difficult it is to properly install and run Vanilla. Now I've just downloaded the software, unzipped it and uploaded to the server I'm working on in a new folder titled "vanilla". I then went to the readme.html page in that folder. In this page, there is a link to an auto installer. When I click on that link... it takes me to what I don't think is the auto installer: Have I done something wrong to land at this page? As I said... my skills are very basic. Is working with Vanilla very complicated for a person totally new to this? Thanks John


  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    It looks like you've missed some files in your upload. It can't find the required include files for running the installer.

    Are you sure you uploaded everything properly?
  • edited February 2006
    Hi Mark, I used WS_FTP to upload. From within WS_FTP, clicked on the folder of unzipped Vanilla files, then had those files ftp'd to my server in the public_html folder. From within WS_FTP, I see that there are 121 files in the vanilla folder on my server. Also, I had my upload settings set to "Auto", so I think WS_FTP uploaded them correctly. As I mentioned earlier... I'm new (and trying to learn) to all this, so I'm taking it step at a time. Any suggestions? Thanks for responding! John
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Well, this is a pretty straightforward error message:

    Warning: main(library/Utility.Functions.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/drcub2/public_html/vanilla/installer.php on line 7

    It's trying to include the following file:


    And it can't find the file. So, take a look on your server and make sure the file is there.
  • Funny, That file is on the server, but the folder, "library", is not. Now I just looked at the original unzipped files which I have on my desktop, and there isn't a folder titled "library" there either. I hate being this lost, this early in the game :) John
  • Hah. I'd suggest you delete everything and start over from the beginning. There seem to be a lot of people cropping up with errors resulting from simple transfer issues. Silly internet.
  • Holey Moley... I had been using something called Batch Zip Toolkit to unzip my PC files. Just for the heck of it I downloaded Stuffit (free version), and unzipped the original Vanilla file with that. What do you know... there are now folders there! How is it that one unzipping app would not properly show this? Anyway, I just uploaded the newly unzipped folder to my server... if you check on the links from my initial post at the top of this thread... they now work. Thank you Batch Zip Toolkit for blowing a couple of hours of my time! Ok, now to try and install Vanilla! Thanks for the help in getting to this point. John
  • edited February 2006
    Most unzip utilities have an option for "preserve file path" or something; but it's not always turned on by default.

    I'm partial to WinRAR.
  • Haha. No worries. Incidentally if you're running XP for standard zip files the compressed folder wizard works just fine. Otherwise i use winRAR or PowerArchiver.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    WinRAR has been my archiver of choice for as long as I can remember. I always use it and make my clients use it, too.
  • ^^same here (WinRAR)

    7-zip is the next best choice if you want a free utility.
  • 7-zip > winRAR, however, I kind of wish BOTH updated the icon sets for their programs, that and winRAR never played nice on my system.
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