Brand New Here: How Difficult To Install?
I have very rudimentary HTML skills and am wondering just how difficult it is to properly install and run Vanilla. Now I've just downloaded the software, unzipped it and uploaded to the server I'm working on in a new folder titled "vanilla". I then went to the readme.html page in that folder.
In this page, there is a link to an auto installer. When I click on that link... it takes me to what I don't think is the auto installer:
Have I done something wrong to land at this page?
As I said... my skills are very basic. Is working with Vanilla very complicated for a person totally new to this?
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Are you sure you uploaded everything properly?
Warning: main(library/Utility.Functions.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/drcub2/public_html/vanilla/installer.php on line 7
It's trying to include the following file:
And it can't find the file. So, take a look on your server and make sure the file is there.
I'm partial to WinRAR.
7-zip is the next best choice if you want a free utility.