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Im new to SVN

ok, so this SVN thing is new to me. I downloaded an SVN client on my home computer, MAC OSX. and I succesfully svn(d) the files to my computer. However once I started following the instructions in the notes file I got some issues... 1. I get the following error when I try and setup the Framework and People connections. (svn propedit svn:externals vanilla) subversion/libsvn_client/prop_commands.c:600: (apr_err=200005) svn: 'vanilla' is not under version control This may be the root of all my problems, but to continue on. 2. When I try and upload these files to my server I get all kinds of permissions problems in reading and writing the files. So when I did a chmod 777 on all the files on my comp and copied, it started ok, but when uploading the svn files it seemed to want to copy those over and over?? weird. Any ideas? Thanks, Brad


  • I could be wrong, but i'm not sure you actually need to do the propedit thing. I didnt when i last checkout'd and i got a fine install off it. So just get the basic stuff and try going with that (i assume thats what you've done). As for the uploading, if by svn files you mean the stuff in .svn just let it upload them. It'l make no difference to the application but i dont think your ftp app has any way of knowing not to bother.
  • edited February 2006
    svn export [-r REV] [PATH] svn export [-r REV] [PATH] svn export [-r REV] [PATH]
    That is the only svn command you need to install Vanilla; it will make a clean copy of the trunk (no .SVN crapfiles) in whatever folder you choose.

    If you want the current revision to be downloaded into the current folder, it's even easier:svn export svn export svn export
  • would I run those svn commands from the ftp on my server or on my local machine? Should I have to run a chmod on the folder once I SVN it so I have permission to FTP it up. btw. I was using dreamweaver to ftp it up, is that the problem? Thanks, Brad
  • You install svn on your local machine, and run the commands there. That gives you three local folders (vanilla, people, and framework). Upload the vanilla one to the webserver, then upload the files from the other two into "YourVanillaFolder\library\People" and "YourVanillaFolder\library\Framework" respectively. It is a bit of a hassle having to reassemble them, but it lets mark upgrade the different parts separately.
  • That depends. Wherever you run them is where the files will go to. You could skip the middle man and run them straight on your server assuming the necessary apps are installed on it but it's probably easier to take it to your home pc in the meantime if you dont know how to install the svn app on your server. I dont know how macs work but you should never have permissions problems on your own pc. And i'd suggest you use a proper ftp app to upload it unless you're experienced using the dreamweaver module. I've used it a couple of times and it strikes me as very useful for during-development updates but beyond that has its weaknesses.
  • great guys, this has been really helpful, One last question about the SVN and vanilla development. do I have to title the folder where all the files reside, vanilla. or can I name it something else? the forum on my site will eventually be called coffeeShop and I would like to call the folder that. But if I cant, thats ok too. Thanks again, Brad
  • as long as the subfolders keep the same names, you can name the container folder anything you want. Mine is called "forum".
  • And, ofcourse, aslong as you tell vanilla what it's folder is called in the application settings.
  • Great guys, thanks... Ill give this stuff another try much appreciated, Brad
  • I can't believe I got svn to work! Any mac users who need to use svn I found the easiest way is to install finkcommader and then have finkcommander install the svn-client for you...
  • I find it a lot simpler to use WinhTTrack to download the directory from repositories.
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