"Allow non-members to browse the forum" not working

edited February 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
i have the box checked in application settings > forum options, but when a non-member arrives at my forum it shows up as blank. is there something else i need to change/select?

thanks in advance. :)


  • Have you given a 'guest' role the ability to access the various categories? There is some stuff on the wiki about this.
  • i hadn't created a "guest" role because i figured there wasn't any way for me to assign a role to a non-member. but i just did that and gave them access to all the categories (i didn't give them posting access or anything) but it still looks empty when you're not signed it.
  • Are any roles (especially "banned") blocked from viewing any of these categories?

    If the banned role can't see something, people signed out can't either.

    by the way, i stopped by your forum the other day and i LOVE how the sign-in area is on the same page as the discussions. how easy is that (i'm very illiterate when it comes to this stuff)?
  • also, what's the point of banning someone if you can't keep someone from posting and seeing stuff?
  • by the way, i stopped by your forum the other day and i LOVE how the sign-in area is on the same page as the discussions. how easy is that (i'm very illiterate when it comes to this stuff)?
    At the moment, not very easy; it involved a fair amount of theme code modifications.

    It's a fairly common request, though, so I wouldn't be suprised if someone makes an extension to do it someday.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    You ban them from posting, but if it is a publicly browsable forum, then you can't stop them from reading.
  • If you didnt let the public view your forum.... And still. it means they can no longer login. Which means they can no longer post. Aslong as your forum is public you'd never be able to stop banned users seeing stuff because aslong as they went logged in (which they couldnt), it wouldnt know who they are. The only reason you have to give the role itself viewing access is because 0.9.2 gets confused otherwise. This is fixed in 0.9.3.
  • edited February 2006
    also, what's the point of banning someone if you can't keep someone from posting and seeing stuff?
    What's the point of banning someone from viewing a category if they can just sign out and view it anyway?
  • okay...i get it.
    i was thinking the viewing was equal to posting. i see my faulty logic now.

    so if you assign someone the banned roll, posting is disabled?
    (sorry to sound like such a tard)
  • If you assign someone the banned role they cant login full stop. If you look in your Role Settings you can see the permissions each role has.
  • edited February 2006
    EDIT: Ach mini beat me.
  • /me stands back to back with bergamot, strolls 10 paces, and shouts DRAW!
  • watch out! it's a duel!!
  • He's got a gun!
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
  • Isnt that spelt wrong? You really need to drop by for a drink sometime mang!
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Yeah, it's spelled incorrectly - but I didn't make the shirt, I just bought it. I think the point comes across sufficiently.

    And truth be told, I was loaded when that picture was taken :)
  • I love the redeye :D
  • hey look, our leader
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