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Need help moving custom code for inviting LinkedIn connections to a proper plugin

I have an invite-only forum set up using Vanilla 2.0.17. Users can of course invite others using the standard email invite that is present in Vanilla. To encourage invitations, I also made it possible to use the LinkedIn API to get a list of all their contacts and select which ones they want to invite. They can be invited in bulk using a custom message.

Now, this all works satisfactorily but until a month ago I was not familiar with PHP, Garden, Javascript, JQuery, etc. I may have cut a few corners. I would like someone to mentor me in producing a proper plugin. Essentially, I want a code review and pointers on how to proceed. Is an experienced Vanilla developer interested in doing this? Alternatively, I wouldn't mind either if someone would just take this over from me and finish it as he or she sees fit.

My goal here is to contribute something back to the community and provide myself with an easier upgrade path in the future.



  • *Crickets*

    Come on, someone has to want help Steven out! This is a great opportunity to develop a new plugin for the community. I'd jump in, but all my times wrapped up in a massive development project for my business right now.
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