Help! I'm addicted to forums

3stripe3stripe ✭✭
edited February 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Lately have found myself checking a handful of forums every day (Vanilla, SlideShowPro, and Basecamp) As soon as I wake up, all day at work when i should be working, and when I get home. Half the time there's not even anything new to read (except on here). But still I find myself drawn into checking them... Is there a Forums Anonymous where I can get help for this!? Haha actually hang on a sec, that's a great name for an anonymous forum... hmm...


  • heh. Well i'm always checkin this but i'm not party to any others. It really would save me a lot of time if i had an app to sit in my systray alerting me when someone posted something though...
  • has anyone done any vanilla widgets yet?
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    That would be kickaxe.

    I've been addicted to forums for years.
  • :( I am too
  • You'll find me on here at odd hours of the day from the moment I wake up to the moment I pass out (in good 24-36 hour stretches) and you'll be asking yourself "wtf, doesn't he sleep?" the simple answer to that is: "no, never". I do however try to make it a point to work :)
  • Dude, forums rock. They are like chatrooms except they end up creating much more well-thought out posts (sometimes), and they archive all your discussions. Its awesome. I too am a forum addict. I do not really enjoy sites that don't have them.
  • My name is jos and I'm a forum addict too.
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