Kudos to Vanilla's true open-source development policy

dandvdandv New
edited February 2012 in Feedback
So due to a couple features that my board needs, I ended up choosing MyBB for the time being. However, when it came to attempting to customize MyBB, I encountered the usual amount of bugs and issues, which I dutifully reported on their tracker, and even submitted patches for.

What was most unusual was their amazing stubbornness against accepting changes. Even something as minor as asking them to update their wiki met tremendous resistance. Another improvement, which a lot of users requested and which I wrote a patch for, is still being refused, even though I did all the work, and all they had to do was to pull a 9-line patch, of which 6 were comments.

Today, I got fed up with all this opposition and told them so. At the end of my post, I'm linking to the GitHub repo for Vanilla.

Go Vanilla Go! You may lack some of the features, you may lack a ton of devs, you may ignore my requests, but at least you don't shoot them down, and I believe you might have the right mindset.


  • hyphyhyphy New
    edited July 2011
    They might as well setup a full-blown resume submission form and interview requirement for new developers! That's just plain ridiculous to have so much red tape around any form of an open source project. And, unfortunately, I have a feeling its being reflected in the diminishing popularity of MyBB.
  • Cool! So I came back to Vanilla after half a year and the first thing I see is a toolbar with formatting icons!

    It's still Markdown, and I still can't just upload an image, but it's a step forward to rich text (2012 is here...)

  • ToddTodd Vanilla Staff

    Image uploading has been a feature for Vanilla for a long time now via plugin. You may not believe it, but a lot of communities don't want people to upload files. This one included. That's part and parcel to our development philosophy.

    With regards to rich text editing, we also have plugin for that too. And again, many forums don't want that either.

    Thanks for your kind words though. I missed them the first time around.

  • I don't want user to upload files either, get dropbox or gtfo :D

    Personal preference though.

    grep is your friend.

  • ToddTodd Vanilla Staff

    x00 said:
    get dropbox or gtfo :D

    That is, get dropbox or gobble the freaky onion.

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