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error sign in with facebook !!

edited July 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
error msg is

Fatal Error in Gdn_Email.Send();

Could not instantiate mail function.

The error occurred on or near:

198: $this->FireEvent('SendMail');

199: }


201: if (!$this->PhpMailer->Send()) {

202: throw new Exception($this->PhpMailer->ErrorInfo);

203: }


205: return true;

206: }


[/home2/tebshebi/public_html/forum/applications/dashboard/models/class.usermodel.php:1905] *Gdn_Email->Send();*

[/home2/tebshebi/public_html/forum/applications/dashboard/controllers/class.entrycontroller.php:481] *UserModel->SendWelcomeEmail();*

[/home2/tebshebi/public_html/forum/library/core/class.dispatcher.php:291] *EntryController->Connect();*

[/home2/tebshebi/public_html/forum/index.php:51] *Gdn_Dispatcher->Dispatch();*



  • ToddTodd Vanilla Staff
    You don't have your email set up correctly on your server. That's going to cause problems in general with Vanilla.

    What's with the double exclamation marks on your posts!!?
  • thnx alot, I reinstalled vanilla and having no errors now
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