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[Solved] Discussions per page don't show pagination

edited January 2013 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Hi there again everyone... When I set the discussions per page to less than posts that I have in my forum, the pagination don't appear at all... =(
I use this:
dashboard/forum settings/advanced -> discussions per page
I'm using Version Did I have to do anything more to show the pagination in the homepage?
Thanks in advance!

Best Answer


  • hyphyhyphy New
    edited July 2011
    Curious, are you using a custom theme or have you edited the Vanilla default css files in any way?
  • Curious, are you using a custom theme or have you edited the Vanilla default css files in any way?
    Yes, I changed the css default file..
    Can you tell me what the div that shows the "More" link or where I find it?
    Because when I set the discussions per page, I go to the site homepage and search in the html code the word "More" but without success... =(
    Thanks again!
  • anyone? =(
  • Help guys... I saw that maybe it's something with the categories... Anyonw can help pliz??
  • Ok, i solved! \o/

    I saw this post and my problem was similar to @lesndes, that use the same Vanilla version that I ( and had problems when check the option "Don't use Categories". I follow his post about the database tables Category and Discussion (thanks!!).

    First, I did a SELECT COUNT(*) in the Discussion's table to find out how many posts was there. Then I updated the "CountDiscussions" with this value in the Category table.
    I did the same with "CountComments" and Comment's table.

    Finally, I updated all the CategoryID = 1 in the Discussion's table!
    Tchanannn!! It works!

    I believe this bug was fixed in the latest version, but to the version I'm using, I couldn't find another way to make it work... =/

    I hope maybe this could help someone else... =)
  • lucluc ✭✭
    Answer ✓
    Answer found by OP.
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