FileBrowser or CopperMine

edited February 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I and some others are working on a large Mac community that will involve a photo gallery except we have a problem in making of choice of which to use. We love how simple and esy FileBroser is, but it seems CopperMine is better if there are more users. What do you guys think?


  • File browser is perfect for the single or few users sharing his/her/their works in a simple fashion, but if you need to go big, and you think CopperMine is better for your purposes, by all means go for it :) Not crapping on FB at all, but if it doesn't fit your needs, either A) build onto it, or B) find a suitable replacement that fits your agenda :)
  • thanks! i love how filebrowser is so easily cutomizable but do you think iti is possible to make ...say one users gallery viewable to everyone else or one larger gallery that everyone can submit to?
  • At the moment, FB is more of a drag, drop and use type of indexer, aside from the small ammount of setting up you might have to do. Any other kind of functionality you could want would be from hacking apart and adding your own routines to do what you want, so in that respect, you might be better off finding something more in the leauge of which you're seeking. Coppermine (while I haven't played with it) might have more features you're looking for in the long run for a user based system.
  • once again thanks for the honest input. i have gotten bs info from people who say to use certain blog software thats not proper. coppermine it shall be. thanks! but for the blog i shall be using Swell once it is released. Can't wait
  • No problem, I'm sure others around here would be more than happy to give you input and give their recommendations, but it's really your choice on what you want to use in the end. I say go with whatever suits your needs, I can't speak for mark or anyone else here, but I'm sure anyone could tell you to try something that fits your requirements rather than jumping through hoops of code just to use FB the way you want to. Not that it can't be done, but you might not like the process in order to get it there :)
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