Light weight AJAX toolkit that supports XML responses...

sprockettsprockett New
edited February 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hi everyone, Im searching for a AJAX toolkit that supports returning XML responses. The toolkit must also be able to parse all the separate xml items into the separate objects, which can then be handled by separate JS handlers. Most of the toolkits out there just allow u to REPLACE an element or something simple like that... I know only one toolkit that has what i need, and its OPENRICO... But too bloated (at least 40kb for the minimum ajax install, with prototype). Does anyone in the know have any suggestions?


  • edited February 2006
    This will give you a standard JS XML object, which can then be parsed pretty well with regular DOM functions (especially getElementsByTagName)

    No idea if that's what you need.
  • Thanks for the link bergamot! It might work! Need to do a bit of hackery though... But at 1.6kb its awesome. My bloated js toolkit im using stands at about 40-50kb.
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