Vanilla and ASP

edited February 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hey, I was just curious if it is possible to run Vanilla on a windows server. I have a site that is ASP.NET 2.0 with Sql Server database, but I like Vanilla as a forum. Is it possible to run it there or do I have to have Apache on the server? Thanks, David


  • it is possible to run on a windows server, but it needs PHP installed and MySQL (not so sure about SQL server though)
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    FLC is correct. I am developing Vanilla on a windows machine, and I have successfully run it through both IIS and Apache, but it does require MySQL. Both PHP and MySQL are totally free and very easy to install - even on Windows.
  • That is cool. I guess I always associated php and mysql to Apache. There are a lot of neat things out there that are open source. I guess us .NET developers are not left out of the loop :). One last question. Do most windows hosts also have php and mysql installed or is that relatively rare? Thanks again, David
  • I think you'd probably have an easier time finding Linux hosts running mono.
  • Or ofcourse you could request your host add php support to their services. Worth a try.
  • Usually, as a rule of thumb, most hosts that offer Windows based server usually include the whole kittenkaboodle of server package options which range in most server configs from asp to zeus and everything in between. If they don't you're likely to find it somewhere else. In many cases, you'll find php and asp running nicely side-by-side if the host is nice enough to have it preloaded for you in a dev-level server environment.
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