i am using version last night i tries to add 4 extensions:
1. enhanced bbcode
2. who is online v1.0.5
3. signatures v1.0
4. quoting (both pre 196 and post 193)
the system crashed! and because i don't have a great kowledge of this and i am still learning i wanted to ask some questions:
although the signatures extension was visible in my panel of manage extensions and i enabled it although i added the remote address in my account info it wouldn;t work. in the signature discussion on this forum somenone said there is a mod missing... does anyone know ehat is that mod missing? or why it does not work
the who is online works partly. after it is installed and enabled it shows who is online alright but everytime a comment is added i get this message
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/ybalabin/public_html/community/extensions/whoisonline.php:195) in /home/ybalabin/public_html/community/controls/Common.Controls.php on
i have to go back and everything is fine. why do i get this is a way to fix it?
the quoting extensions tha t was recently released ( ) doesn;t work for me and it creates problems. what should i use? i tried both pre and post but everythign crashes. and as stupid as it sounds i need to know how to add them, because maybe that is the reason it does not work.
thank you for reading this
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EDIT: I clarified that post a little bit.