Me + web publishing class = :(

edited February 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I really feel my teacher is really quite unqualified and going about the class in the wrong way (given it's just another high school elective) we've had about 5 classes and we are starting tables tomorrow, he has yet to mention CSS or for that matter anything but HTML. If I were teaching a web publishing class I'd first make certain they had a grasp of how the web works - HTML, CSS, Javascript, Servers, Domains, server side, databases etc. But all we're doing is learning some outdated methods like the <font> tag. Also what pisses me off about class is that I'm perminantly seated next to a kid whos lucky he can velcro shoes without help. After he learned how to link he had to ask me how to link pictures, and then he couldn't figure out how to link in a list. What an effing d-bag, eh? So if you were teaching a web publishing class how would you go about it. And if you've been in any type of web related class (Learning or teaching) how was your expeirience?


  • You say high school? Well duh.

    (If this is some sort of further education, then complain.)
  • Well, I just wish that I could take a class that wouldn't be so boring in high school.
  • If you have the option, see if you can take another elective by passing out of that class. Certainly your HS has some kind of option like that where if you show enough understanding you get bumped up.
  • There's no web class above it. I tested out of computer lit and took web publishing instead. I don't need the credit, but I don't want two study halls.
  • If I were you, I'd test out of this class for the credit, and use the study hall to get all my weeks worth of work done or sleep. Or if you have the luxury of using your study hall as "off hours" that allow you to come in late or leave early, i'd do that as well.
  • When you pass out of a class you don't get a credit, you just don't have to have it. Say you need 22 credits to pass high school, you pass out of computer lit, it doesn't count towards the 22 it's just crossed off the list of required courses. When I'm a senior I'll be able to leave during study halls but not yet.
  • Why dont you get a less zany school system? It's a fact of life that the vast majority of school technical classes will be way below a standard that the majority of people on this forum will work to. I did a php account management project for my GCSE year (age 16, whatever that means to you) and i actually got marked DOWN for using 'coding'.
  • I have found that even college level 'web-design' classes are this mundane. Much like a fashion design (read: sewing) class would be. See if your high school has an agreement with a college or community college to substitute higher level classes--and go for some bigger fish. If there is no lake with bigger fish, browsing library books in the time between classes can be a very effective way to learn things that you never imagined you were interested in. As some forgotten smart guy once said: Learning is labor of the mind, but discovery is delight to the soul.
  • heh, marked down for coding. He said they were gonna try and get Flash and Dreamweaver for next year. A little part of me died, I have absolutely no interest in Flash. Oh yeah, the guy that teaches the class has almost no clue what hes doing. The kid I sat next to needed help (suprise suprise) because some link that was supposed to go under a picture wasn't because there wasn't suffcient text to wrap around the picture so the link came up. The teacher told him to put more text in the paragraph so it would finish wrapping around the picture. :\ I'd like to try a college class, but the closest college is an hour away, and I can all but guarentee that any course there would suck.
  • What wallphone said about substitutions. The plus side of that is that if you do go to complete your generals at that school, some of the credits are already completed for you and thus you can transfer out to a bigger brighter school much faster. If you're lucky, you might not know it, but your HS might offer select night-courses as substitutes for those who can't reach the nearest college as a partner program or something similar.
  • Well, my school only has 350 kids, I know everything that they offer. I guess until college, it's just books, magazines, and the internet *hugs laptop*.
  • heh, make the best of it then, because depending on what you decide to study later in college will either be easy as hell, or kill you :)
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