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A bug happened, NOW I WANT IT TO HAPPEN AGAIN (Design help)

edited August 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

My forum was going a little weird with bugs, all of a sudden my board index looked like this:

The design is actually better, I wish I knew the process in which I could transform my index to look like this. I assume it's as easy as changing the background in CSS, however I vanilla isn't as easy to make edits as your standard forum.

I was wondering if anybody would be willing to give me some instructions on how to get this looking like it does in the picture.

For those who may not realize, it's like the boink page background merged with the normally white background of the theme during this bug.



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    That happens when you are on slow internet speed. It reverts the theme of the forum back to the standard one.
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    That happens when you are on slow internet speed. It reverts the theme of the forum back to the standard one.
    The picture there is not on any theme I've seen. The index background is usually white, instead it's the boink blue.
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