Problem w/ Avatars

edited February 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I'm using the Avatar Uploader + Image Resizer v.3, but the pics only show up in the personal info pages, not next to the names in the forums. what gives?


  • Are the names of people who have avatars indented?
  • Are you using a custom style?
  • no, right now I'm using the "Camp" style that I found on the Styles page
  • edited February 2006
    That style probably turned comment avatars off.

    Try adding this to the bottom of styles/camp/global.css:
    .CommentAuthorWithIcon { position: relative; padding-left: 40px; } .CommentIcon { position: absolute; top: 50%; margin: -16px 0 0 -40px; display: block; height: 32px; width: 32px; background: #fff center center no-repeat; }
  • Worked! Thanks a bunch! Are all of these extra styles like that? I guess I should check the code and find out myself. Thanks again! Chris
  • It's up to the style designer.
  • i am having a problem with the icons being pixel looking and not resizing the photos to match the size of the space. So if you up load a photo, you only see a fraction of that photo in the avatar and it is pixeled out.
  • I've found another problem with the camp style and avatars. Everythng works great as long as you're signed in, but if a visitor is browsing the forums, the avatars' positions are messed up, overlapping the line of text underneath them.
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