But surely the database is finalised now? What is still changing is the XHTML, CSS and some of the objects/delegates. Those wouldnt't affect the install script, would they?
Yeah, but as soon as he writes the install script, someone will show up with an awesome feature idea that requires a database change, and he'll swear at the monitor for a few hours.
Also, with our precious forum databases at stake, I'd be paranoid about some little bug in the SQL wiping out the data for 5% of users.
You said "There have been a number of cases recently where users did not have the php-mysql link libraries installed on their server which results in them getting entirely blank screens when trying to setup vanilla (after stage 3 of the installer, if in use)
If you are getting a blank screen please ensure your server is correctly setup and that php and mysql are functioning happily together."
Do you have any info on what libaries need to be installed? My web host is looking into this, but I need to able to tell them what to install. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks!
it's not really specific libraries, it a complete installation problem. create a file on your server (name doesn't matter, as long as the extension will be executed by php), and put:
<?php phpinfo(); ?>
then go access the page you created with your webbrowser. if you get a big php configuration list, then php is working. if mysql is correctly installed, it will be in the list someplace.
beyond this simple check, there's a lot of subtleties that i'll leave to the more experienced.
I do get the big PHP config list by running info.php. Any insights into the other subtleties? I really need to get this thing up and running soon. Thanks very much ...
I am running a PHP/MySQL app in a different directory on the same domain, and yes, there is a section in the info.php file called MySQL. Here's the content from that box:
MySQL Support enabled
Active Persistent Links 0
Active Links 0
Client API version 4.1.7
Directive Local Value Master Value
mysql.allow_persistent On On
mysql.connect_timeout 60 60
mysql.default_host no value no value
mysql.default_password no value no value
mysql.default_port no value no value
mysql.default_socket no value no value
mysql.default_user no value no value
mysql.max_links Unlimited Unlimited
mysql.max_persistent Unlimited Unlimited
mysql.trace_mode Off Off
What am I missing? Thanks so much for your help.
Also, with our precious forum databases at stake, I'd be paranoid about some little bug in the SQL wiping out the data for 5% of users.
svn: 'trunk' is not a working copy
am i missing something?
thank you! try the shrimp!
A trunk
A trunk/account.php
A trunk/ajax
A trunk/ajax/sortroles.php
Exported external at revision 40.
Exported revision 391.
bob@edubuntu:~$ svn propedit svn:externals trunk
svn: 'trunk' is not a working copy
i dont get it guvnor
<?php phpinfo(); ?>
then go access the page you created with your webbrowser. if you get a big php configuration list, then php is working. if mysql is correctly installed, it will be in the list someplace.
beyond this simple check, there's a lot of subtleties that i'll leave to the more experienced.