Electric Griddles Make Hulk MAD

edited February 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I want to buy an electric griddle. That's easy, I can go to walmart and get one for $20 in 10 minutes.


I hate non-stick surfaces. They're crap, they don't last, I can't use metal tools on them, and anything I'd cook on a griddle is going to have a decent layer of fat between the metal and the food anyway. Nobody makes these damn things!

This is not a difficult concept. It's seriously just a big slab of aluminum, cast iron, or stainless steel with an electric heating element welded to the bottom. That's actually exactly what most of the nice electric griddles are, except they're covered with teflon gunk.



  • Further annoying me is the fact that there is no word for "not-non-stick", making googling difficult.
  • how about...stick? :D
    I've never had a problem with non stick stuff though... And why dont you just get a griddle pan and a gas cooker like real people?
  • edited February 2006
    "Stick" would work fine, except no appliance company would ever market their products as that. I even tried "teflon-free"

    My crappy apartment has an electric stove, which works alright with my griddle pan, but the heat really isn't even at all.
  • edited February 2006
    If that punctuation mark stands for a swear word, I agree.
  • thats an interrobang.
  • Three words for you: George Foreman Grill.
  • 4 words: George Foreman Grill G5 (oh yes my friends)
  • lech: What the fuck kinda pancakes do you make? :D
  • The kind that ooze machismo!
  • edited February 2006
    What the hell?

    Teflon coated griddles? Electric Griddles?

    Man you americans are crazy bunch... Don't you know that you never ever grill food with electricity, GAS BABY ALL THE WAY!

    I bought one of those table grills, a George Foreman grill copy (in Finland, that man couldn't even sell gold for free) and after a few tries, I trashed it, a piece of junk. The whole concept of it is wrong. It's like a frying pan, and if you don't know how to use a frying pan, you might aswell lie down on the floor and stop living.

    That is just my 9,98€ (two cents short of a ten, keep the change you filthy animal).
  • edited February 2006
    You understand that I'm looking for something like this:

    Only without a nonstick coating.

    It's for making pancakes and french toast.
  • Ofcourse you realize that you could use something like this:


    It's tad slower to heat up, but who can't wait for a 5seaconds?
  • I have a stovetop griddle, but it doesn't evenly distribute the heat, and it doesn't have any sort of temperature control.
  • isnt that the point of your stove?
  • I wonder which surface wouldn't have a "decent layer of fat between the (surface) and the food"? As long as it's flat, it'll have. Or it isn't (3D lines, non flat, sorry my dictionary is far away) and it's a pain to wash after use :-( You can use wood with PTFE (Teflon(r)) or well-designed tools in hard-plastic (like Tupperware(r) but less pricey). In France, there is an equivalent made of stone, a flat stone where you cook slim piece of meat simple like http://i14.ebayimg.com/01/i/05/08/f0/6b_1_b.JPG or built like http://nl.tefal.be/NR/rdonlyres/E575122F-B96E-428D-95F3-6E303BCA6E6E/0/pierrade_main.jpg . Not designed for french toast I think :-D
  • search using "electric griddle" -nonstick -non-stick -teflon

    and you will find some griddles that don't have a non-stick coating.

    you can also look for stainless steel.

    here is an example of a non-non-stick griddle Champion

    The trouble is that these will probably all be professional grade griddles designed for commercial kitchens (ie they will cost a hell of a lot of money and be very large).

    If you want to go cheaper then go for a very heavy stove top griddle. The heavier the metal the more even the cooking surface will be (despite the limitations of your stove top). the downside will be that it will take longer to heat and you want have any heat settings beyond those of your gas range.
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