Apple devs+LSD=They're not my flying monkeys.

edited February 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help

Those of you fortunate enough to own Final Cut Pro 4.5, or those who promote eclecticism: nested in your FCP application itself is a string that is quite out of the ordinary. Open up "Final Cut Pro.rsrc" ( / Applications / Final Cut Pro HD / Contents / Resources / Final Cut Pro.rsrc - to open Final Cut Pro HD, right-click and select 'Show Package Contents') in any text editor and you will stumble upon this hidden message*:

click on linky


  • God damn, and I thought I put strange shit in my comments! Looks like someone barfed up several of those random spam messages into their source code, or yes, SEVERAL drugs were involved while coding FCP.
  • I like when I find stuff like this, it makes the developers seem more like human, and not some faceless asses that don't care about you the consumer but only about the money they are going to get.

    Ofcourse this doesn't apply on Mark, we all know he is a creature magical of epic proportions, one of the ancient gods locked in their icy prison in the edge of mind, and the descriptions I have heard from madmen who have lost their minds in the unholy visage of Mark fit best to a creature Hastur "The lord of Interstellas Spaces" or maybe even Yog-Sothoth himself since Mark really "Lurks at the Treshold" fyi.
  • When I worked tech support for Connectix, way back when DoubleTalk 1.0 was released, I was helping a customer through a particularly troublesome installation (turns out the install disk was corrupted) Anyway, there is a help button on the installer. After I exhausted all other possible avenues, I clicked the button and was given a very lengthy detailed and helpful breakdown of Austin Powers' plan to save the world. Because the customer was on the phone, I didnt get to read past something along the lines of "Infiltrate enemy base (get captured)" Anybody know where I can read the full text?
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