[Solved] Localisation for an addon

I have followed the introductions on http://vanillaforums.org/docs/creating-addons-for-the-addon-site but I am not able to create correct a localisation.
Using the following code:
Produces this output: echo "T('Hide');
I am new to Vanilla so I do not know where the core file showing the discussion options are saved.
Using the following code:
public function DiscussionsController_DiscussionOptions_Handler(&$Sender) {
$Sender->Options .= "<li><a href=\"hide/pass\">echo \"T('Hide')\";</a></li>";
Produces this output: echo "T('Hide');
I am new to Vanilla so I do not know where the core file showing the discussion options are saved.
$Sender->Options .= "<li><a href=\"hide/pass\">".T('Hide')."</a></li>";
does the job.