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Whats the LIGHTEST weight textbox formatter? (wysiwyg would be good, but not nec.)

sprockettsprockett New
edited May 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I've been searching for the LIGHTEST weight textbox formatter (u noe those lil buttons that automatically add tags like italics, bold, header1, header 2., img link etc. I've checked out some wysiwyg ones.. not bad,but TOO HEAVY.. like 200KB for the js script alone... (tinyMCE) I can't afford that. Most of the lighter ones i've seen are around 40-60kb js.. (FCKEDITOR) Is there anything like 10kb or so? I don't need anything more than some buttons to allow u to wrap tags arond highlighted text... Even those, are still like 30+kb...


  • I would add the restriction that it must work on IE, Firefox, Safari, and Opera
  • I think I have something like that laying around here somewhere from god knows when by god knows who. From what I can recall, i t's not exactly pretty, but it does work on generally every browser. Not as elegantly as highlighting what you wish to bold out and hitting the bold button, but it just throws the proper tags in there for you and you fill it out. all around 3-5kb total w/html. The only price you'd have to pay is hacking it into vanilla yourself.
  • Bergamot -> Yes i forgot those absolutely essential restrictions. Hmm 3-5kb sounds reasonable! Wrapping tags around highlighted text would def be nice, but just adding the tags is good as well...
  • Hmmm, crap, I could have sworn I was just looking at it earlier in the week as I was cleaning out some old files from my document base. As soon as I find it, I'll post something up.
  • edited May 2006
    I've been searching for the LIGHTEST weight textbox formatter (u noe those lil buttons that automatically add tags like italics, bold, header1, header 2., img link etc.

    I've checked out some wysiwyg ones.. not bad,but TOO HEAVY.. like 200KB for the js script alone... (tinyMCE) I can't afford that.

    TinyMCE does have php gzip compressor that shrinks it down.

    I tried putting the tinymce code into the comments php file however all that did was much things up. What would the proper location to hack in a wysiwyg editor?
  • i actually made a tinymce extension that works, but i didn't mess around with tinymce enough to figure out how to make the editing area bigger. it's much too small by default. i'll hack it around a bit and post it.
  • oh right on itchy! i would love to give that a whack! what theme did you use for it? or did you customize one?
  • just the default theme. the extension lets you choose which mode to use. it uses advanced-simplified mode by default.

    looking at it again, i remembered that i was trying to make it compatible with my spell checker extension and vanilla's "big input" button. other than that, it works fine.
  • doesnt tinymce have its own spell check built in?
  • Hi guys, not sure if anyone is still following this thread, but eventually, i ripped a BBCODE editor from phpbb... its not WYSIWYG, but because its not, its darned speedy to load. But you'll also need a BBCODE parser, there are a ton around... If you don't use bbcode, u might have to mod the JS a lil bit...
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