Ajax help for a simple action

edited February 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
What I understood from reading the Ruby on Rails documentation Ajax is pretty simple, just some javascript thingies. So I would need some help with that because I don't know jack about javascript. I'm going to have a blog that will have a navigation and comments hidden in the beginning, and when you press a button, they will appear with some sort of effect. What I understand is that you have to have the info you want in the page but the div will be set hidden so that if you have CSS off, the information will show. Can anyone shed some light to this?


  • edited February 2006
    Ajax is only simple if you have a decent knowledge of javascript and server-side scripting, or if you use someone elses code (RoR). I certainly wouldn't choose it as my introduction to js.

    Your problem, though, wouldn't require Ajax at all.
  • I have a great website design but I don't know how to put the navigation so that it won't fuxor the design, and I was hoping this would work *sniffle* Well, I could do some flash thing, but feeding flash with php is so boring.
  • Can we see the site?
  • Not yet :P But my genius idea was to have a publishing platform for artist and the site is basically a single image in the center of the site, that is all, then behind the button are the archives and some sort of navigation, and behind another button would be the commenting system. Simple and nice.
  • 3stripe3stripe ✭✭
    edited February 2006
    Some nice image gallery starting points at http://www.maxkiesler.com/index.php/weblog/comments/downloadable_web_20_and_ajax_widgets1/ See http://www.couloir.org/ and http://www.maxkiesler.com/footoo/ and http://www.maxkiesler.com/apop/
  • Veeeery interesting. Thanks 3stripe, you really are worthy for Adidas :D I could do that tabbed navigation, it would be cool. Furthermore http://www.backbase.com/
  • Snip, nice link. So hows your whole artists publishing thing going. just asking cos I'm due to build a website for my sister soon and she fits into that category. (paintings). at the moment i'm planning on doing a simple slideshowpro thing though....
  • It has gone nicely, but it's very specialised for the thing I'm going to use it for, but thanks to RoR it has templating "engine" and such, but I'm not sure how well it works in a real world yet since I haven't tested it outside my box.
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