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Why does the search field not return any results?

hammett03hammett03 New
edited September 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
I noticed on my forum if you search for anything it always says no results. Then I noticed even on this forum the search does not work.


  • I have this problem too, on both my installation of VF and here on this site.

    The search returns no results, even when I can see a thread with the searched word in the title/text right there on the front page.
    Is there a solution or workaround?
  • I confirm that neither in vanilla 2.0.18.b2, nor on forum search does not return any results.
    Please cure!
  • I've just searched for "functions", and I've got results:

    It uses mysql full text search to provide it's search, if there are too few comments (to search in) or too many answers (of the search), those are discarded.
  • You're right, the search issue is gone for now from, but this does not change the fact that searching and downloading addons or core had not been available for a week. Do you know if it was as issue with the server hosting company?
  • lucluc ✭✭
    edited September 2011
    A migration was done and it was reverted. It has been said on another discussion (the one about the addon issue).
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