Because it's not like you have anything better to do...

DeniedDenied New
edited February 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I just had a thunk.. a "search inside this thread" option would be a super special addition to the sidebar, or something.

Just adding to the pile.


  • Most browsers have their own search function already? The find-as-you-type one in Firefox is pretty nifty already for example
  • I think he might be referring to multiple-page topics in particular.
  • Aye, but for a multi-page thread, you can't really do that.

    I suppose you can do it manually, as in searching on each page, but...

    I dunno, it came up for me, so I thought I would put it out there.
  • a multi-page find as you type. Sounds perfectly feasable... Of course it would require someone who can do javascript/dhtml/ajax/whatever you crazy kids are calling it nowadays...
  • Doesn't have to be find as you type, or involve client scripting.
  • a multi-page find as you type would be much snazzier imo.
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