Why are my topics listed backwards? (oldest to newest?)



  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    I've found some strange things happen with mysql5, and Vanilla was written to work with MySQL 4 - so there are always little things that crop up - especially depending on the various configurations people adopt for their databases. But we should be able to get it going alright.
  • made the change, it seems to order the threads without whispers normally now, but the one thread where i whispered myself is now at the very bottom, even though it says 4 hours ago. actually, scratch that... it says 4 hours ago on the last active thing, but in reality i hid and then did a 'cleanup' on the whisper that was in that thread, so it should be at the very bottom, but the datelastactive is still wrong after the hide/cleanup (a new bug!) anyway, to sum up, it's working well enough. thanks!
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    No problem. Glad you got it going :)
  • Hi geoff :)
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