vanilla. error after installation

edited February 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hello, I have apache 2.0.55, php 5.1.2, mysql 5.0.18 on a windows machine. After I install Vanilla, i get to click on the signin button (right after it finished the installation) and I get this error: and the error goes on the on till line 31 or something. I never had this issue with Vanilla before, what's going on? Thanks.


  • Looks like you typed "heserver" where you meant "theserver"
  • I agree, that's the error, but in the beginning of the installation, it does finds the good path "theserver" and all, but then after completes the inst, somehow the "t" gets lost .. I didn't touch anything, how is this happening.. hmm
  • php 5 bug? I've a feeling it might be getting confused again. Can you post up the relevant sections of your settings file? (appg\settings or some such)
  • good idea, I just checked the appg\settings.php and it looks like it's all good and not "C: heserver\..etc" // Path Settings define("agAPPLICATION_PATH", "C:\theserver\Forum/"); Can it be because of the forward slash that it's used only in *Nix?
  • try replacing all your backward slashes with either forward flashes or double backward slashes.
  • edited February 2006
    Yeah, it sees '\t' and replaces it with a tab.

    Use one of the following:
    define("agAPPLICATION_PATH", "C:/theserver/Forum/"); define("agAPPLICATION_PATH", "C:\\theserver\\Forum/"); define("agAPPLICATION_PATH", 'C:\theserver\Forum/');
  • Thank you Bergamot, works great now. :)
  • bergamot should get a vanilla merit badge or something
  • edited February 2006
    hi, i am got this bug too. but though my php-coding expirience i found this bug fast ;-) i am using xampp as webserver *EDIT* and then i got a extension bug.... at "settings -> manage extensions" i see just the plugin "Whispers", but 12 times! this is the same count which extensions are in the extension-folder... when i activate the "Whispers"-plugin.. all items on the plugin-page are activ... but 12 times "Whispers". is there any solution? bye
  • oh i see.. its a known bug :-S
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