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[GitHub Bug #895] Sometime Vanilla is very very slow.

edited October 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

Can someone tell me why when I want to login into my forum ( sometime the login connection is fast and sometime it is very slow (about 45sec) to login.

Sometime the login window is empty and I can't put anything into it. I have to wait 1 minute before elements like fields login an pass appears.

I' ve already done an update according to the wiki but the problem is still present.

Thanks for your comments/advices.



  • Do you have vanilla on your local computer or do you have vanilla forums on a webhost? Where is it slow? Local or on the host.

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  • legrandselegrandse
    edited October 2011
    It is slow only on the host.
  • Ok, if you don't have vanilla on your local PC, install it on your local PC and compare the speeds. Also try different browsers and compare those speeds.
    Last compare the speed by time of day.

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  • Turn on debug mode and see what queries vanilla says are slow, also enable slow query tracking in MySQL.
    Vanillas activity queries in generally can be extremely slow as reported here
  • UnderDogUnderDog MVP
    edited October 2011
    *Merge with when merge functionality works*

    Also execute the slow queries in phpMyAdmin and then hit the "Explain" option so you see what the problem is. Maybe paste it here in < pre > < /pre > tags (no spaces)

    Left joins in queries is always slower than inner joins, especially with thousands of users.

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  • Are slow queries generally related to installed plugins or core functions?
    occasionally some tables related to plugins have overhead and after repairing and optimising there is a small but significant improvement in speed.
    I do find however that any function in dashboard is quite slow.
  • Hello,

    Thank you for your advices.
    I've enabled the debug mode but for now it'is normal.

    The problem is not present each time.

    I will post the result when it appears.

    For UnderDog, I've also vanilla on a wampserver and never see any problem like on the host.

  • I am having very slow response with 17.10 on a Unix / Apache server.

    Is the Vanilla MySQL DB tuned up by a SQL expert prior to each release?

    Are their any SQL experts on the Vanilla core team?

    End Users who want to install a Forum for their site should not have to suffer the debugging recommended above to get a decent response.

    Try my blazingly slow forum at

    Is the 2.0.18 release any faster esp for Dashboard use?

  • it worked great for me. just clicked the link and the forum showed up instantly

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