0.9.3 Installation Problems (No, I'm not using installer.php)

edited February 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I'm trying to setup 0.9.3 on my server. I've downloaded the the files through SVN, setup the database, changed the settings files, and yet I'm having a problem. It seems Vanilla is trying to read the confg settings in apg/settings.php instead of confg/settings.php. There are a couple symptoms to the problem: First, when I pull up the the default page, it is displayed completely unstyled (it can't find the CSS file). I am fairly certain that that all path settings in confg/settings.php are corrrect. Second, all links on the default page reference http://your.base.url/to/vanilla/ instead of my domain name. After doing a search for "your.base.url", it appears this setting only exists in appg/settings.php, yet the comments in that file explicitly say to not change any settings in this file. Can anyone lend a hand?


  • you have to change those manually util the new installer is written, i'm pretty sure
  • OK, so installer.php will eventually write the settings in cong/settings.php into appg/settings.php? Interesting. I'll try changing those settings manually.
  • Yup, that did it. Thanks for the quick response. I wonder why the config settings exist in two places? I'm sure Mark has a good reason. It may be a good idea in the meantime to add that step in the upgrade-notes.txt until an installer is ready. Or, perhaps change the comment in appg/settings.php.
  • np =)

    well, i think that 0.9.3 at the time is meant for people who know they're getting deep into undocumented territory and that any part of it may completely change within the next 5 minutes.

    but i think you're right about the upgrade-notes.txt.
  • Yeah, 0.9.3 is definitely for people who want to get their hands dirty, or are at least comfortable doing so. I guess the main thing is just that appg/settings.php explicitly says "* !DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING IN THIS FILE!". Kind of makes you think twice if you know what I mean.
  • yeah, i had the same problem
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    edited February 2006
    appg/settings.php will be constants that you are not supposed to edit. Everything in the conf folder is custom to your installation. The conf/settings.php file is included *after* the appg/settings.php file, so any settings you put in the conf will override what's in the appg. The idea is that when upgrades are made to the codebase, you can copy and paste all the new files over top of your installation and it will not over-write your conf/settings.php or conf/*.php files - allowing you to easily retain all of your customizations during an upgrade.
  • Gotcha, thanks for the info Mark. By the way, are 0.9.3 extensions being collected in the wiki? The reason I ask is I got Textile working in 0.9.3 and thought I'd release it for anyone who wants. It's a pretty simple change from the existing, 0.9.2 plugin, but still thought I'd post it for those were interested.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    You can use the wiki for the time being. If you keep coming back here, there will be a new method for extensions, styles, themes, and languages when Vanilla 1 is released. If you are on the mailing list, you will be notified when it's all good to go.
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