Please upgrade here. These earlier versions are no longer being updated and have security issues.
HackerOne users: Testing against this community violates our program's Terms of Service and will result in your bounty being denied. is down (alive again)*

UglifyJS (NodeJS) remote compressing server is down.
Disable plugin while server is dead.
Disable plugin while server is dead.
grep is your friend.
And put it in the plugin folder renamed minify.
You can do
define('MINIFY_MIN_DIR', dirname(__FILE__).DS.'minify' .DS.'min'); // load config require MINIFY_MIN_DIR . '/config.php'; // setup include path set_include_path($min_libPath . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path()); require 'JSMinPlus.php'; ... $output = JSMinPlus::minify(file_get_contents($FilePath)); file_put_contents($CachedFilePath, $output);
It is not as good as JSUglify. But it works. The PHP version of JSUglify is still under development.
Perhaps you there could be a check that is live and valid output.
grep is your friend.
grep is your friend.
Ok now.