In a bittersweet situation with Vanilla
well i will show you all an early mock up of what my team and I have for this large mac community site we are working on
vanilla would go perfectly with this site because of its simplicity and style but i am worreid about vanilla's features. i understand that vanilla is undergoing constant developement and is still new but it's the only thing holding us back from using it. we want features such as private messaging notificiation (when you have recieved a whisper in a thread), quoting, sticky or permenant posts, signatures, polls, a toolbar (simple buttons for Bold font, italics, etc) for when writing a reply, contact info such as aim, msn, yahoo, or icq account info in site registration and profiles. i understand this is not phpbb but some of these things should be present. im not bashing vanilla at all im just in a wierd spot on whether to use it or not. its beautiful but lacks things that i know would be need. i also know some of these things can be done by extensions but are the extensions good enough?
i also know some of these things can be done by extensions but are the extensions good enough?
ps: things like a member list and putting it in a new tab i think i can handle.
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Easily done as an extension
Already being done as an extension
sticky or permenant posts
Already exists in the core
I'm pretty sure someone on here is working on this. Could have sworn I saw a thread about it.
Not in Vanilla at all. Can be done as an extension, but a helluva lot of work
a toolbar (simple buttons for Bold font, italics, etc) for when writing a reply
Again, hard extension
contact info such as aim, msn, yahoo, or icq account info in site registration and profiles
You can already do this using the custom fields, but could also be done as an extension.
Vanilla is still young, so it will be a while until it has everything you need. I wouldn't feel bad about picking something else for the time being if I were you. Come on back down the road and see if Vanilla is ready for you yet.