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[Solved] I need a plugin that can create external pages*

edited October 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Hello all,
how can I create link to external page as part of my theme. Like I want to have external page (like in views), that will act like forum view. E.g. as you have Profile page, I would like one page that will have custom header, explanations what not, and below list of discussions for example. I have added this in my master view but have no idea where to create link and how to find page what I want to use
$this->Menu->AddLink('Test', 'How it works', '<dont_know_path_to_file>', FALSE, array('class' => 'External'));

Also, is it possible to override plugins as you do with css, php files by putting them in your theme directory, since I need some modifications on how specific plugins render code, which I would like to preserve in theme directory if possible, rather than pack whole plugin directory separately...

Thanks in advance

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